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Monday, December 19, 2011

Thanks to Readers

       I felt I must write a note of thanks for the occasion of First Mile Stone.Thanks a lot to all my readers for the mile stone of reaching 1,00,030 visitors from 2nd March 2010.  Our next goal is to achieve more readers in a day than the maximum readers of the day before.

        Since the launch of the site in the month of March 2010 there have been 29,046 absolute unique visitors who have read over 119,799 pages as of 17th Dec 2011. Some of the facts are listed below.
  84.92% of visitors finding this site through search engines and 9.09% of visitors are through direct traffic. Eighty Three percentage of the visitors are finding the site through Google searches.

      During the past few months over 3,500 people have visited monthly and have read an average of 15,500 pages per month. Highest page view month is August 2011 (16614 Page Views) . Highest visits per day is 6th Dec 2011 (300 Visits).
    Top 5 Articles are Unit Weights of ISMC, ISMB , Structural steel Weight Calculation, Chequered Plate & Equal Angles. This is based on the page views
      Visits came from 149 countries/territories and top 10 Countries. Average time on site is 03:28 and average pages per visit is 3.23.

       Thanks to all my readers. Your comments are much appreciated and I personally will respond to each one. I am confident that you will be more than satisfied and I personally will make sure you've got all the assistance you need going forward. Please tell your friends about this site.
Best Quote.
 Behind every brilliant performance there were countless hours of practice and preparation. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Unit Weight of ISSC

SC Series is called Column Sections

      In continuation with my earlier posts ISMB, ISJB, ISLB, ISWB & ISHB this is also one of the standardized categories of hot-rolled steel, shaped H-beams.
1. ISSC 100 X 100 - 20.00
2. ISSC 120 X 120 - 26.20
3. ISSC 140 X 140 - 33.30
4. ISSC 150 X 150 - 37.10
5. ISSC 160 X 160 - 41.90
6. ISSC 180 X 180 - 50.50
7. ISSC 200 X 200 - 60.30
8. ISSC 220 X 220 - 70.40
9. ISSC 250 X 250 - 85.60

        When Comparing with ISHB & ISSC the main difference is Height & Width of beam is equal.  In addition to above sizes some special sizes also available in market. ISSC 152 X 152 - having unit weight 23 Kg & 30 Kg per Meter. Another is ISSC 204 X 204 having unit weight 49.9Kg per Meter
For Unit Weight of Light Weight Beam Click ISLB
For Unit Weight of Junior Beam Click ISJB
For Unit Weight of Medium Weight Beam Click ISMB
For Unit Weight of Wide Flange Beam Click ISWB
For Unit Weight of Heavy Weight Beam Click ISHB
Beast Quote
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn" Have a Nice Day

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Difference Between "I" Beam & "H" Beam

From the previous posts, all you may be familier with "I" Beam & "H" Beam. Let us see what is the difference between them.

Both are structural beam of rolled steel having a shape whose cross section resembles the letter H; and Letter I (an ‘H’ Turned through 90 degree). The H-beam has relatively wider flanges than the I beam, however an "I" beam has tapered edges towards the centre rib called Web.

It is the difference between the widths (Flange) by height (Web) ratio. In the case of H beams the width of the flange would be equal to or more than the height of the cross section. In the case of I section, the height of the cross section would be higher than the width of the flange.

In general H-beams are better than I-beams are very subjective. Since they are usually heavier and weight per running meter also more.

However it is most important to use the optimal beam configuration for the application. While selecting the beam, the thickness of the centre web is most important since this is what takes the brunt of the force. Good construction demands structural beams that more than carry maximum loads including factor of safety while using the minimum weight of steel.

For More Details about Beam Click my earlier Post Beams
For More Details about Hot rolled steel Click my earlier post  Steel
Best Quote
"Those who lack courage, will always find a philosophy to justify it." Have a Nice Day

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Unit Weight of ISHB

Indian Standard Heavy Weight Beams / Columns

In continuation with my earlier posts ISMB, ISJB, ISLB & ISWB this is also one of the standardized categories of hot-rolled steel, having a shape whose cross section resembles the letter H.

It is having the sizes from 150 to 450mm. Usually they are heavier sections.It is available in two weights (Type-I & Type-II). Please refer the table below.
       In addition to above ISHB 150 X 150 is available for unit weight of 27.1kg Web thickness is further lesser than type-II

       For Type-I & II, these heavier beam sections in each size are obtained from the same set of rolls. The width of flanges and Height of Beams are same , However the difference is between the thicknesses of the webs. Therefore, while ordering these heavier sections, mass should be mentioned. Please note that ISHB sections are also used as column sections.

For More Details about steel section Click Steel Section
For Classification of Indian Hot Rolled Steel Click IS : 808 
For Unit Weight of Junior Beam Click ISJB
For Unit Weight of Light Beam Click ISLB
For Unit Weight of Medium Beam Click ISMB
For Unit Weight of Wide Flange Beam Click ISWB
Best Quote
" If You Really Want to Do Something, You will find a way. If You Don't, You will find Excuse" Have a Nice Day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Unit Weight of ISWB

Indian Standard Wide Flange Beam

In continuation with my earlier posts ISMB, ISJB, ISLB this is also one of the standardized categories of hot-rolled steel, shaped I-beams.This is similar to other beams but the width of flange more (wider) than Other Beams

1.ISWB 600 X 250 - 145.10
2.ISWB 550 X 250 - 112.50
3.ISWB 500 X 250 - 95.20
4.ISWB 450 X 200 - 79.40
5.ISWB 400 X 200 - 66.70

6.ISWB 350 X 200 - 56.90
7.ISWB 300 X 200 - 48.10
8.ISWB 250 X 200 - 40.90
9.ISWB 225 X 150 - 33.90
10.ISWB 200 X 140 - 28.80
11.ISWB 175 X 125 - 22.10
12.ISWB 150 X 100 - 17.00

In additionn to above ISWB 600 X 250 is available for unit weight of 133.7Kg. Depth & Flange size will be same however thickness of flange & web is lesser
For More Details about Steel Section Please click Steel Section
For Unit Weight of Light Beam Click ISLB
For Unit Weight of Junior Beam Click ISJB
For Unit Weight of Medium Weight Beam Click ISMB
For Unit Weight of Medium Weight Channel Click ISMC
For Classification if Indian Steel Click Hot Rolled Steel
Best Quote
" Don't Hurt Your Enemy by Your Words and Don't Hurt Your Loved ones by Your Silennce" Have a Nice Day

Sunday, November 13, 2011


The shape of a steel I-beam strongly resembles a capital “I” in cross section, which explains the name. The steel I-beam has a strong central core capped with flanges on either side. 
I-beams, also known as H-beams, W-beams (for "wide flange"), rolled steel joist (RSJ). The horizontal elements of the "I" are flanges, while the vertical element is the web.  By far the most common structural material is steel due to its strength to weight ratio.

Steel is one of the most common materials used to make I-beams, since it can withstand very heavy loads in flexure meaning bending. Usually a beam carries vertical gravitational force but is also capable of carrying horizontal loads generally in the case of an earthquake.

The most commonly found steel beam is the I beam or the wide flanged beam also known by the name of universal beam or stouter sections as the universal column. Such beams are commonly used in the construction works

The most commonly found types of steel beams are varied and they are mentioned below:

1.    I beams

2.    Wide flange beams

3.    HP shape beams

4.    Special shape non-standard beams

5.    H beams

6.    Junior beams

In today’s modern construction the beams are generally made up of materials like:

1.    Steel

2.    Wood

3.    Reinforced concrete

For More details about Designation and terminology of Beams Click Beams

Sunday, November 6, 2011


In continuation with my earlier posts ISMB & ISJB, this is also one of the standardized categories of hot-rolled steel, shaped I-beams. Indian Standard Light Weight Beam (ISLB)

1.       ISLB 75 X 50         6.10
2.       ISLB 105 X 50      8.00
3.       ISLB 125 X 75      11.90
4.       ISLB 150 X 80      14.20
5.       ISLB 175 X 90      16.70
6.       ISLB 200 X 100    19.80
7.       ISLB 225 X 100    23.50
8.       ISLB 250 X 125    27.90
9.       ISLB 275 X 140    33.00
10.   ISLB 300 X 150    37.70
11.   ISLB 325 X 165    43.10
12.   ISLB 350 X 165    49.50
13.   ISLB 400 X 165    56.90
14.   ISLB 450 X 170    65.30
15.   ISLB 500 X 180    75.00
16.   ISLB 550 X 190    86.30
17.   ISLB 600 X 210    99.50

In General ISLB seems like Junior Beam (ISJB) and Medium Weight Beams (ISMB). However the flange & Web thickness are varying. Please note that for ISLB dimensions and weights  are more than ISJB  and Less than ISMB.

Unit Weights of ISLB in tabular form is below
For More details about other type Steel Section Click Steel Section
For Unit Weight of Junior Beam Click ISJB
For Unit Weight of Medium Weight Beam Click ISMB
For Unit Weight of Building Materials Click Building

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Classification of Hot Rolled Steel (IS 808: 1989)

In India, the Structural Steel sections produced including open section such as Beams, Columns, Channels and angles are designated in a standard manner with the letters IS indicating Indian Standard Specifications followed by the letter indicating the classification and type of section and a number indicating the size of section. Usually depth of section is chosen to indicate its size.

The Classifications Hot rolled steels are as follows

1.    Beams

1.1.Indian Standard junior beams (ISJB)

1.2.Indian Standard light weight beams (ISLB)

1.3.Indian Standard medium weight beams (ISMB)

1.4.Indian Standard wide flange beams (ISWB)

2.    Columns

2.1.Indian Standard column sections (ISSC)

2.2.Indian Standard heavy weight beam (ISHB)

3.    Channels

3.1.Indian Standard junior channels (ISJC)

3.2.Indian Standard light weight channels (ISLC)

3.3.Indian Standard medium weight channels (ISMC)

3.4. Indian Standard mediumweight parallel flange channels (ISMCP)

4.    Angles

4.1.Indian Standard equal leg angles (ISA)

4.2.Indian Standard unequal leg angles (ISA)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This is One of the standardized categories of hot-rolled steel, shaped I-beams. Simply we can say it is a lighter version of an I-Beam (ISMB)

Unit Weight of ISJB is as Follows

1). ISJB 150X50 - 7.1

2). ISJB 175X50 - 8.1

3). ISJB 200X60 - 9.9

4). ISJB 225X80 - 12.8

In general it seems like ISMB. However the Width / Depth, Thickness of flange and web is lesser thickness than the ISMB. Usually the flange slope is 1.5 Degree, Where as ISMB is having 8 Degree of flange slope

For Table, please click on the picture below
For More details about different type of Steel Section Click Steel Section
For Unit Weight of ISMB Click ISMB

Monday, October 10, 2011

Largest Floating Crane

This is Japanese biggest floating crane, built by Mitsubishi heavy Industries Division.
Boom length: 132m. Lifting capacity: 3700 tons.

Each hook is 10 meters tall. The workers around it look as small as ants.

Some 800 steps lead to the tip of the boom, to the small cabin on the top.

The Japanese submarine SS-600 Mochishio is lifted at the Kobe Kawasaki yard. The Mochishio is the last of the Oyashio-class and is approximately 84m in length.The task is to lift the whole bridge sections, each weighing approx. 3500 tonnes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Engineer Day

Wish You a Happy Engineer Day

In India, Engineer's day is celebrated on September 15th of Every Year.

This day is celebrated in the honor of Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (1861-1962), who was a notable Indian engineer, scholar, statesman and the Diwan of Mysore during 1912 to 1919. Internationally recognized for his genius in harnessing water resources, he was responsible for successful design and construction of several river dams, bridges and implementing irrigation and drinking water schemes all over India.

He served as the chief engineer during construction of Krishna Raja Sagara Dam on the Kaveri River near Mysore. He also built many dams in the Bombay presidency (present day Maharashtra). The dams built by him are still functional even today, a testimony to his brilliance, skill, honesty and dedication. So 15 September, Engineer's Day is quite a remarkable tribute to the greatest Indian Engineer Bharat Ratna M. Visvesvarayya.

On the Event of Engineer Day celebration let us see the following engineering miracle River on River

The Magdeburg Water Bridge is a navigable aqueduct in Germany that connects the Elbe-Havel Canal to the Mittelland Canal , and allows ships to cross over the Elbe River . At 918 meters, it is the longest navigable aqueduct in the world.
Even after you see it, it is still hard to believe!
Water Bridge in Germany - - What a feat! - - Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters long . . . now this is engineering!
This is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East and West Germany .

As part of the unification project. It is located in the city of Magdeburg , near Berlin . Construction of the water link was started as early as in the 1930s but due to the World War 2 and subsequent division of Germany the work remained suspended until 1997. The aqueduct was finally completed and opened to the public in 2003. The photo was taken on the day of inauguration . . .

When you stop and think about this, this is just amazing!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Unit Weight of Square Hollow-IS 4923

Dear Friends, In continuation with my earlier posts self would like to post unit weight of square hollow as per IS 4923 : 1997 standard. Available sizes are varies from 25 mm to 250mm and thickness varies from 2mm to 12mm. Readily available size in markets are up to 150mm

As per Indian Standard a hollow section shall be designated by its out side dimensions and thickness in millimeter and shall be further classified in to CF or HF depending upon whether it is Cold formed or Hot formed.

For Example hot formed square hollow section with outside dimensions 40mm and thickness 4mm shall be designated as 40 X 40 X 4 HF SHS

CF and HF means Cold Formed and Hot Formed.
SHS means Square Hollow Section and RHS means Rectangular Hollow Section

For More details about different type of Steel Section Click Steel Section
For More details about the Hollow Steel Section Click HSS
For More Unit Weight of Square Hollow Section please refer my earlier post
 1). As per European Standard Click EN 10219
 2). As per American Standard Click ASTM A 500
 3). As per Japanese Standard Click JIS G 3466

Dear All, May this ONAM bring you the most brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever Wished for.

Wishing you a very HAPPY ONAM.
Have a Nice Day.
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