are entering the Summer, already water crises are started in major cities. So,
we should start saving the water we have and use the water we have,
economically. Here are a few ideas on how to conserve water.
- Almost all of us have reverse osmosis (RO) system installed at home for water for drinking and cooking. I am sure everyone knows that it lets out almost one litre water to produce one litre drinking water. So, keep a bucket to the outlet and store this water. This can very well be used for cleaning the floor, for toilet etc. What they normally say is, the bacteria which is there in this water will die in half an hour time when get exposed to normal air.
Similarly, a bucket can be placed in the AC outlet. Everyday morning this water can be used for the plants in your flat, to clean your cars or even be drained into the rainwater harvesting system so that the ground water can get charged. In fact, these outlets can be connected on a regular basis to get drained there.
- Stop using running water for cleaning utensils and use water from bucket. By this practice lot of water can be saved.
- Similarly use shower for bathing. This also would reduce water consumption.
- Use your washing machine when you have a full load because washing machines are designed in such a way that it uses almost the same amount of water for washing low load to very high load.
- If your washing machine's outlet is not connected to the closed drain. That is if the machine's outlet is let out in the bathroom, then the soap water which comes out of the machine can very well be used to soak your utensils which you have used for cooking.
Some of us face a problem with dust in the water. For example, the borewell water may turn slightly muddy when the water bed goes down or because of the accumulated dirt in the overhead tank, the water may come with dust. Please don't waste this water. Keep a block of Alum in the bathroom. Just dip this in the bucket that has the muddy water and allow it to dissolve by rotating your hand. A few rotations will do. After about 10-15 minutes you will see the dust and muddy substances settled in the bottom and crystal-clear water in the top! This Alum would be available in all medical shops.
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