Being a construction engineer we are very often used to measure weight of steel is either Kilogram (Kg) or Metric ton (t). If kilogram is further divided we may know it is grams. If gram is further divided we may not know the units.
Some of the unit of mass are gram (gm), micro gram (µg), milligram (mg), centigram (cm), decigram (dg), dekagram (dag), hectogram (hg), kilogram (kg), mega-gram (Mg) or metric ton (t), grain, pennyweight (dwt), ounce (oz), pound (lb), dram (dr), short & long hundredweight (cwt), short & long ton, scruple (s), carat (c), gamma (y).
It is very interesting if we know other industry how they are measuring. Other than Metric unit of mass are as follows
Troy Mass (Used for measure Gold & Silver)
Avoirdupois Mass (Used for goods / based on pounds)