Dear Readers,
Being a
construction engineer, we very often use the bolts. Generally the grades of
bolts are starts from 4.6 to 12.9. Also known as Ordinary bolt (Commercial
Grade), HT Bolt (High Tension) &
HSFG Bolts (High
Strength Friction Grip).

it can be quoted that the first number is the tensile
strength of the bolt material (N2 )/100. The second number is =
1/100.(the ratio of the Proof (or Yield ) stress and the Tensile strength
expressed as a percentage = 100.[Yield (Proof stress) /Tensile strength] /100
For Example the tensile and proof strength of the steel for a 8.8 bolt is therefore calculated as follows
For Example the tensile and proof strength of the steel for a 8.8 bolt is therefore calculated as follows
Tensile strength = 8 X 100 N/mm2 = 800 N/mm2
and Proof
strength = 0.8*800 * 100 /100 = 640 N/mm2 (generally
speaking 80% of 800N/mm2)
lowest grade is 4.6, commonly known as commercial grade. Next comes grade 8.8,
known as structural grade, and finally, the highest grade is 12.9, known as HT / HSFG bolt.
Available grade
of bolts are 4.6, 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 9.8, 10.9 & 12.9