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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Unit Weight of Metals

Dear Readers,
Now you may well aware about to calculate the weights of steel structures. During construction activities you want to calculate the weights of steel members you will do it absolutely. However if the material is other than steel?It is very simple, formula is same but the specific weight (kg/Cum) is varies.
Example below illustrate to calculate  plate size is 1500 X 1500 X 6 with different material (Iron & Copper)
For Steel ( 7850kg/Cum or 7.85kg/sqm)
                = (1.5 X 1.5 X 6 X 7.85)
                = 105.975 kg
For Copper Plate same size (8930kg/Cum or 8.93Kg/sqm)
                = (1.5 X 1.5 X 6 X 8.93)
                = 120.555 kg
For Unit Weight of more metals listed below table
Hope above table would be more useful for Construction Engineers. If any queries please send your queries through contact form or send a mail to engineerdiary@gmail.com
For More Details about Steel Weight Calculation click Here
For More Details about Specific Gravity click SG 
For More Details about Other Material Weight click Here
For More Details about Unit Weight of Building Materials click BM
For More Details about Dead Weight of Construction Materials click CM

Best Quote: No one has travelled the road of success without crossing streets of failure. Have A Nice Day

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Dear Readers,
This is continuation with my earlier post unit weight of ISJB, self would like to post the sectional properties of ISJB. I am sure this post would be very helpful to all engineers.
Properties of beams are having two parts. One part is Physical dimensions and another part is sectional properties of Beam. Basically dimensional part contains depth and width of section, Thickness of Web and Flange and Root Radius. Where as sectional properties contains Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration and Section Modulus. These are useful for design engineers. Click on picture to enlarge.
For More Details about Unit weight of junior Beam Click ISJB
For More Details about Sectional Properties Click Sect-Prop
For More Details about Classification of Hot Rolled Steel IS : 808
Best Quote:Successful people are not people without problems; they are simply people who have learned to solve their problems.  Have a Nice Day

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bearing Designations

Dear Readers,

As you well aware that bearing is a device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of motion between fixed and moving machine parts. All standard bearings have a characteristic basic designation it consist of basic numbers and supplementary symbols (Prefix and Suffix). If you know the observation of bearing number you may proceed further without any delay of your activity / job. You know prefix and suffix details then it is an excellent.  
The first digit (or letter) designates the bearing type, the second and third digits indicate the dimension series to which the bearing belongs. The second digit represents the width (or height) series and the third digit the diameter series. The three first digits together designate the bearing series.
The two last digits indicate the bore diameter. For bearing with bore diameter between 20 and 490 mm is obtained by multiplying the two last digits by five. For bearing with bore diameter greater than 490mm the bore diameter is directly indicated after an oblique (Ex.511 / 500). Special coding applies for bearings with bore diameter less than 20mm.
Types of bearing, prefix and suffix details will follow my next post
For More information about bearings click Here

Best Quote: "Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” Have a Nice Day

Monday, November 4, 2013


Dear Readers,

Self would like to share a picture that self liked more and found in Internet during surfing. Hope all of you enjoyed more.
Above picture is best example of Leaders. Moral of picture is "Great Leaders show you how to do instead of what to do"

For more self explanatory pictures click Un plan
Best Quote:-
" Life is the toughest school. You never Know what class you are in.
What exam you will have next and you can't cheat, because nobody has the same Question Paper...!!". Have a Nice Day 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Music Wire Gauge

Dear Readers,

Music wire is characteristically much thinner than non-music wire of the same gauge. It is abbreviated as MWG (m.w.g). Different type of music wire gauges are listed below.
Washburn & Moen Steel Music Wire
American Steel and Wire Co, (ASW) Music Wire
American Screw and Wire Co, Music Wire
Wright Wire Co, Music Wire
Roebling or Trenton Iron Works Music Wire
Felten & Guill-eaume Music Wire
English music wire gauge
Poehl- mann Music Wire
Allhoff & Muller Music Wire
W. N. Brun- ton Music Wire
The dimensions of Washburn & Moen Wire Gauge and American Steel and Wire Gauges are listed in below table
Note that 0000000 also identified as 7/0 and it is pronounced “Seven aught” 0000 is identified as 4/0 (four aught) and so on. Dimensions of other Music Wire Gauges will be followed my next post.
For More Details about Standard Wire Gauge Click SWG
For More Details about American Wire Gauge Click AWG
Best Quote: “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Have a Nice Day

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Dear Readers,

Wish you a Happy Engineer Day-2013

Engineer dairy is very much proud to publish this article during the Engineer Day. Bearing is one of the wonderful engineering innovation in this world and it is biggest mile stone of engineering industry. Any rotation parts with out bearing is un-imaginable. From children's toys, household utilities to aeroplane and space equipment everywhere bearings are involved.
Bearing is a device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of motion between fixed and moving machine parts. Bearing is primarily used in between rotation parts. The main function of rotation part is transmit power from one end to another end. For transmitting power, it needs a good support to ensure stability and frictionless rotation. The support is known as “bearing”.
The bearings are classified in to two main category. One is plain or Slider bearing, another one is Rolling or Anti friction bearing. Under this main category there are numerous different kind of bearings that are designed to handle radial load, thrust load or combination of the two loads.
Sliding Bearing. It is a simple plain bearing, it is classified in to Journal bearing, Footstep bearing and collar thrust bearing.
Ball and Roller Bearing. These are known as anti-friction bearings, widely used in industries. It is further classified as follows
Ball bearings (Self-aligning ball bearings, Double row angular contact ball bearings, Double row deep groove ball bearings, Single row deep groove ball bearings, Single row angular contact ball bearings & Four-point contact ball bearings)

Roller bearing (Spherical roller bearings, Tapered roller bearings, Cylindrical roller bearings, Needle roller bearings)
Thrust Bearing (Cylindrical roller thrust bearings, spherical roller thrust bearings, Thrust ball bearings)

Best Quote. Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Self Explanatory

Dear Readers,
Self would like to post some pictures / cartoons and photos with captions which are self explanatory. A 'self-explanatory' means, it is an instrument should evoke an instant emotion or sensation in the viewer without them having to think about it or analyses it. You are certainly agreed that one picture is worth of thousand words.

Above cartoon is best example for our unplanned activities.
Management Lesson is " Never start a project unless all resources are available"
Best Quote. An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Have a Nice Day

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cent to Acre

Dear Readers,
Wish You a Happy Independence Day-2013

Generally cent and acres are used to measure of area. The unit of Acres is represented by "acre" and Cent is represented by "cent". One Acres is equal to 100 Cent. The following conversion table may be used for measuring land and survey purpose.

100 cents = 1 acre
1 cent     =  1100 acre
1 cent     =  40.467 sq. meter (m2)
1 cent     =  435.60 sq. feet (ft2)
1 cent     =  48.4 Gajam
1 cent     =  48.4 Sq. Yards
1 are      =  2.471 cents
1 are      =  100 sq. meter
1 Gajam  =  1 Sq. Yard
1 Gajam  =  1 Sq. Yard = 9 Sq. feet
1 Ground =  2400 sq. feet
1 kolu     =  55555 feet
1 feet      =  12 inch
1 inch      =  2.54 cm
1 Hectare =  2.47 Acre  
For More Details about Unit of Mass Click Mass 
For More Details about Building Material Weight Click Building
For More Details about Construction Materials Click Dead Weight 
Best Quote:-
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
Every problem comes to make us or break us,
Choice is ours whether we become victim or victorious !!!
Have a Nice Day

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Unit Weight of Rectangle Hollow Section

Dear Readers,

This is continuation with my earlier posts, self would like to share the unit weight of Rectangle Hollow Section. This rectangular hollow sections are based on the IS 4923:1997. The sizes available are 50 X 25- Thickness 2mm to 300 X 200-Thickness 12mm
As per Indian Standard a hollow section shall be designated by its out side dimensions and thickness in millimetre and shall be further classified in to CF and HF.
CF means Cold Formed and HF means Hot Formed. SHS means Square Hollow Section and RHS means Rectangular Hollow Section. For Example hot formed square hollow section with outside dimensions 80mm height, 40mm width and thickness 4mm shall be designated as 80 X 40 X 4 HF RHS
For More Details about Hollow Section Please refer my earlier post HSS
For More Unit Weight of Square Hollow section, refer my earlier posts
1) For Indian Standard Click IS 4923
2) For Japanese Standard Click JIS G 3466
3) For American Standard Click ASTM 500
4) For European Standard Click EN 10219
Best Quote-Greatest difference  between Dream and Aim “Dream needs effortless sleep…!” and “Aim needs sleepless efforts” Have a Nice Day

Sunday, July 7, 2013

American Wire Gauge (AWG)

Dear Readers,

This is in continuation with my earlier article of Gauge system and SWG.Hope you may familiar with the gauge system. Let us discuss this article about AWG.

American wire gauge (AWG), also known as the Brown & Sharpe wire gauge. Non-ferrous metals like copper, aluminium and other wire materials (meaning those that do not contain iron) are using the American Wire Gauge (AWG), but is most frequently applied to copper household electrical wiring and telephone wiring. Typical household wiring is AWG number 12 or 14. Telephone wire is usually 22, 24 or 26. The higher the gauge number, the smaller the diameter and the thinner wire. 
The smallest AWG size is 40 and the largest is 0000 (4/0). AWG general rules of thumb - for every 6 gauge decrease, the wire diameter doubles. Dimensions of American Wire Gauge is below.
For More Details about Standard Wire Gauge Click SWG
For More Details about Grade of Bolts Click Grade
For More Details about Specific Gravity Click SG
Best Quote: “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Have a Nice Day

Thursday, June 13, 2013

One Million Page View

Dear Readers, 

I'm proud to announce that Engineer Diary blog has just crossed the One Million Page Views (1,000,000) threshold since start of the blog and of course it is a milestone for engineer Diary blog. I so excited to write this!. This Milestone brings me to encourage myself to keep at this hobby, to minimize slacking, get better at doing things and more exciting blogging journey. I would like to thank you readers, because you peoples helped make this possible.

I have been watching the page view counter closely the last few days, and knew that it is only a matter of time before we had cross the seven figure boundary. When i started the blog just over three years ago, reaching such number was not even a goal. Now that I have reached it and it does feel like a goal. The Internet is an awfully big place, and in Internet terms one million is a tiny number. Whatever it is worth, a million page views indicates something related to a wide readership.

Dear Readers

Click here to get more
Engineer Diary blog has Crossed One Million (10,00,000)
Page Views.Thank You
Crane ( Engineer Diary)
Many, many thanks to everyone who's supported me in this endeavour! Every post consuming more time, but the fact you continue to check in makes it all worthwhile. Anyway, more great contents ahead. Once again, thanks for staying with this blog. 

If your brand/company is keen to work with Engineer Diary for advertisement and sponsorships, you can drop us an email at engineerdiary@gmail.com .

Thank you all for reading, and please keep coming back. Have a nice day

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Classification of Fire

Dear Readers,

Fires are classified into 5 groups:
CLASS A: Class A fires involve common combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, trash and plastics.
CLASS B: Class B fires involve flammable liquids' gases, solvents, oil, gasoline, paint, lacquers, tars and other synthetic or oil-based products.
CLASS C: Class C fires involve energized electrical equipment, such as wiring, controls, motors, data processing panels or appliances.
CLASS D: Class D fires involve combustible metals such as magnesium and sodium.

CLASS K: Class K fires involve combustible cooking media such as oils and grease commonly found in commercial kitchens.
For More Details about Car A/c safety Click CAR
For More Details about LPG cylinders Expirey date Click LPG
Best Quote."Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success". Have a Nice Day

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Standard Wire Gauge (SWG)

Dear Readers,
Wish You a Happy May Day-2013
This article let us discuss about Gauge systems. This systems are used to represent the thickness of the wire or diameter of the wire. In Great Britain wire gage has been legalized. This is called the Standard Wire Gage (S.W.G.), formerly called Imperial Wire Gage.
 Other main systems for measuring gauge are American Wire Gauge (AWG), Standard Wire Gauge (SWG) and Birmingham Wire Gauge (BWG). However AWG and SWG are widely used throughout the world. In general ferrous metals are using Standard Wire Gauge (SWG) and Non-ferrous metals (meaning those that do not contain iron) are using the American Wire Gauge (AWG).
Wire diameter is a premier factor in determining the wire. Different numbering systems are used, depending on the type of metal. Inch and millimetre dimensions are used for Standard Wire Gauge (SWG). No. 7/0 is the largest size (0.50 inch or 12.7 mm) in diameter, and No. 50 is the smallest( 0.001 inch or about 25 µm) in diameter. Overall as the gauge number decreases, the thickness of the wire increases. Wire gauge can refer to both electrical and mechanical.
The Dimension details are below
For More Details about Torque Click Here
For More Details about Grade of bolts Click Bolt
For More Details about Steel Section Click Steel
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