Dear Readers,
I'm proud to announce that Engineer Diary blog has just crossed the One Million Page Views (1,000,000) threshold since start of the blog and of course it is a milestone for engineer Diary blog. I so excited to write this!. This Milestone brings me to encourage myself to keep at this hobby, to minimize slacking, get better at doing things and more exciting blogging journey. I would like to thank you readers, because you peoples helped make this possible.
I have been watching the page view counter closely the last few days, and knew that it is only a matter of time before we had cross the seven figure boundary. When i started the blog just over three years ago, reaching such number was not even a goal. Now that I have reached it and it does feel like a goal. The Internet is an awfully big place, and in Internet terms one million is a tiny number. Whatever it is worth, a million page views indicates something related to a wide readership.
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Thank you all for reading, and please keep coming back. Have a nice day