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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Manila Fibre Rope

This is a strong fiber that comes from the leaf stems of the stalk of the abaca plant, which belongs to the banana family. The fibers vary in length from 1.2 to 4.5 meters (4 to 15 feet) in the natural states. The quality of the fiber and its length give Manila rope relatively high elasticity, strength, and resistance to wear and deterioration. In many instances, the manufacturer treats the rope with chemicals to make it more mildew resistant, which increases the quality of the rope. Manila rope is generally the standard item of issue because of its quality and relative strength.
Sisal rope is made from two tropical plants, sisalana and henequen, that produce fibers 0.6 to 1.2 meters (2 to 4 feet) long. Sisalana produces the stronger fibers of the two plants, so the rope is known as sisal. Sisal rope is about 80 percent as strong as high quality Manila rope and can be easily obtained. It withstands exposure to sea water very well and is often used for this reason.

For More information about Fiber Rope click Fiber
For More information about Steel Wire Rope click SWR

Best Quote. "Never be afraid of taking a Decision". Have a Nice Day

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dimensions of Music Wire Gauge Part-2

Dear Readers,

This post is a continuation with my earlier posts of gauges. Now you may familiar with AWG, SWG and MWG. Music Wire is characteristically much thinner than non-music wire of same gauge. So for dimensions of American Screw & Wire Co. Music Wire, Wright Wire Co. Music Wire, American Screw & Wire Co., and Wright Wire Co., music wires were discussed. Now let us see the dimension of Roebling or Trenton Iron Works.(Music Wire) & Felten & Guill-eaume (Music Wire). 

Table is below. Click on Picture to enlarge

Note that 4/0 (pronounced " four aught) is an abbreviation for 0000, 2/00 for 00 and so on. Dimensions of Other Music Wire gauge will be followed my next post

For More Details about Standard Wire Gauge click SWG
For More Details about American Wire Gauge click AWG
For More Details about Music Wire Gauge click MWG

Best Quote:“If a man does not know what port he is steering for, no wind is favorable to him”. Have a Nice Day

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Five Million Page Views

Dear Readers, Thanks for Five Million Views.
I'm proud to announce that Engineer Diary blog has just crossed the Five million page view (5,007,608) threshold since the start of the blog and of course it is an another milestone for this blog. Please note that it has reached on 04 November 2014. (We were crossed one million page views on 13 June 2013). I so excited to write this! I would like to thank you guys, particularly the regular readers, feed readers, my co-author crane man, because you peoples are helped us to make this possible.
This Milestone brings me to encourage myself to keep at this hobby, to minimize slacking, get better at doing things and more exciting blogging journey. Many, many thanks to everyone who's supported me in this endeavor!

Dear Readers,

Click here to get more
Engineer Diary Blog has crossed 5 million page views.
Thank You.
Crane (Engineer Diary)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Wind Speeds

Dear Readers,

Wind speed is a common factor in the design of structures and buildings around the world. The wind speed is often the governing factor in the "lateral" design of a structure and is used by professional engineers and designers. Wind speed affects weather forecasting, aircraft and maritime operations, construction projects, growth and metabolism rate of many plant species, and countless other implications, also local weather conditions play a key role in influencing wind speed, as the formation of hurricanes, monsoons and cyclones as freak weather conditions can drastically affect the velocity of the wind. Wind speed is caused by air moving from high pressure to low pressure.

It is measured as follows,
1. Beaufort scale
2. Fujita scale and Enhanced Fujita Scale
3. Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale
4. TORRO scale

Wind speed is now commonly measured with an anemometer but can also be classified using the older Beaufort scale which is based on people's observation of specifically defined wind effects.

Unit of Measurement for Wind speeds are either one of following
1.meter per Second (m/s)
2.kilometers per hour (km/h)
3.miles per hour (mph) &
4.Knot (unit)
Wind Speeds are classified as calm, light, Breeze, Gale, Storm and Hurricane. Also note that Breeze, Gale & Storm are further classified as Light, Moderate & Strong. Detailed chart will be followed on my next post
Best Quote :If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Code for Bearing Types

Dear Readers,
This is in continuation with my earlier posts of Bearings. Prefixes are used to identify components of a bearing and are usually then followed by the designation of the complete bearing, or to avoid confusion with other bearing designations.
Below table shows the details
The bearings can also have a C2, C3, C4 or C5 designation after the bearing number. This indicates that the internal fit (the inner race to ball to outer race) is not standard. If your bearing has one of these designators, make sure you get a bearing with the same designator. Please note that a C2 is less than standard clearance, while a C3, C4, and C5 are larger than standard
For More Details about Bearing Click Bearings
For More Details about Bearing Designation Click Designations
For More Details about Identification of Bearings Click Identification
Best Quote : Struggle in life may happen with or without your choice but a fight with life happens only with your choice. Have a Nice Day

Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy Engineers Day-2014

Dear Readers,

Wish You a Happy Engineers Day.

Engineer Diary blog is very happy to wishes the Engineer day as well as publish the 100th post of this blog. This is an important mile stone for us. Thanks to all readers for continuous support to this blog. This blog started in the year 2010 and published first post on 2nd March 2010. For 100th post this blog takes five years, of-course it has been consumed more time due to quality of articles and technical information's.

This time self decided to post some article other than the regular subject (Engineering) and useful to all readers. Let us see how the friendship breaks?

Everybody life span one person is more important other than your spouse and family members. You may agree that person is absolutely your friend. To keep the friendship alive, we should not allow to break the same. 

How Friendship Breaks?
Both friends are busy in their works or they feel that other is busy with their work
So both won't disturb to each other works
Time Passes...
Both will wait other will speak
Then both will think why should I speak first?
Here love convert in to angry
At last both will not contact each other that memories loses and weaken

Then forget each other

So Don't forget keep contact regularly

Keep in contact through e-mail, mobile, Telephone & letters

E - Earth
N - Never
D - Die

To know more about Engineer Day Click Here

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Conversion Table of Drill bit sizes

Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut or enlarge a hole of circular cross-section in solid materials. The drill bit is a rotary cutting tool, often multi point. The bit is pressed against the work piece and rotated at rates from hundreds to thousands of revolutions per minute.
Drill bits are identified by the diameter size. However small size are standardised by number gauge. Number drill bit gauge sizes are analogous to, but different from, American wire gauge (AWG) and Standard Wire Gauge (SWG).
Number gauge is routinely used from size "80" (the smallest) to size "1" (the largest) followed by letter gauge size "A" (the smallest) to size "Z" (the Largest). Number gauge is actually defined at least down to size 107, but these smaller sizes are rarely encountered. 
Drill bit conversion table is given above, click to view enlarge. The table gives set of three columns for five times. The First Column gives the ANSI number or Letter drill size, the Second Column gives the size in inches and Third Column gives the closet available ISO Metric drill size.

Number and Letter gauge drill bits are almost always twist drill bits and it is the most commonly used. The gauge to diameter conversion does not follow a set formula, but rather was defined as a useful and practical measure.

Drill bit fractional inches which is available in market will follow next post

For More information about Gauges click Here

Best Quote : Don't Talk about it, Do it. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hand Rail

Dear Readers,

Hand rails are used in domestic and industrial applications. A handrail is a rail that is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to provide stability or support. Handrails are commonly used while ascending or descending stairways and escalators and walk way platforms in order to prevent injurious falls. In General Handrails having following parts.

1. Vericale Post
2. Top Rail
3. Mid Rail
4. Toe Guard

Vertical Post: It is also called Hand rail Legs. It will have a equal distance, generally one meter spacing between the posts. Pipe or Angle will be used and will have a base plate. Base plate is anchored or fixed with floor

Top Rail: It is top side of hand rail, generally pipe will be used. It is a guide, person can hold and size will be one inch to 3inch

Mid Rail: It is fixed between Top rail and toe guard. It is used for protection as well as bracing member between two handrail legs. Mid rail may be one or more than one subject to the length of vertical post. Generally pipe or square bar is used. The size is equal or less than the top rail size.

Toe Guard: It is the bottom part of hand rail. It is used to protect the small material fallen from platform while walking. The safety point of view  Toe guard is more important.

Precautions & Notes. 
  1. Hand rails should be used for only safe access
  2. Keep in mind it is not a load bearing member
  3. Don't take any supports from the hand rail
  4. The maximum distance between any horizontal or vertical member should not exceed 20cm in one direction
  5. The completed hand rail structure / assembly is capable of withstanding a load of at least 90kg applied in any direction at any point on the rail.
Best Quote : Never be afraid of taking a Decision.  Have a Nice Day

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bearings Identification

Dear Readers,
This is continuation with my earlier posts of Bearings. Now discuss about the bearings identification
 A bearing number has four parts to it which includes four numbers and a set of letters. Each of the first two numbers stand for something, the last two designate size. The letters dictate the variation of the bearing. These letters can also be followed by more letters designating internal clearance. In detail:
 First number (will be a 0-8) designates the bearing type:
 0 = Double row angular contact ball bearings
 1 = Self-aligning ball bearings
 2 = Spherical roller bearings, spherical roller thrust bearings
 3 = Tapered roller bearings
 4 = Double row deep groove ball bearings
 5 = Thrust ball bearings
 6 = Single row deep groove ball bearings
 7 = Single row angular contact ball bearings
 8 = Cylindrical roller thrust bearings
The second number designates the series, or cross section. This is basically equivalent to the second number of a tire rating, it's a ratio of the bore to the width of the bearing, which also controls the O.D. of the bearing. The larger the cross section, the larger the O.D. of the bearing.
 18 = Thin Section, Light
 19 = Thin Section, Medium
 0 = Very Light
 2 = Light
 3 = Medium
 4 = Heavy
The third number (which is a set of two numbers) indicates the bore (in mm) of the bearings. All bearings are designated with metric standards, not inches. Numbers are as follows:
00 = 10 mm
01 = 12 mm
02 = 15 mm
03 = 17 mm
For 20-480mm bore bearings: Last 2 digits x 5 = Bore (mm)
i.e.- if the bearing number was 04 (04 x 5 = 20 mm), 05 (05 x 5 = 25 mm)
The letters after the number indicate the variation. These change from manufacturer to manufacturer, but here are some of the common ones:
Plain -- No Shield
Type Z -- One Shield (normally will have metal shields)
Type 2Z -- Two Shields (one on each side)
Type RS1 -- One Seal (normally the R indicates rubber)
Type 2RS1 --Two Seals (one on each side)
Prefix and suffix abbreviation will be followed my next post
For More Information about bearings Click Bearings
For More Information about Bearings Designation's Click Here

Best Quote: Compliment Others for Their Achievements. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fibre Rope

Dear Readers,
Fibre rope is made from either natural or synthetic fibres. The natural fibres come from plants and include manila, sisal and hemp. Synthetic fibres include nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene and polyester.

In the fabrication of fibre rope, a number of fibres of various plants are twisted together to form yarns, which are then twisted together in the opposite direction to the fibres to form strands. The strands are twisted in the opposite direction to the yarns to form the completed rope. The direction of twist of each element of the rope is known as the "lay" of that element. Twisting each element in the opposite direction puts the rope in balance and prevents its elements from unlaying when a load is suspended on it. The principal type of rope is the three-strand, right lay, in which three strands are twisted in a right-hand direction. Four-strand ropes, which are also available, are slightly heavier but are weaker than three-strand ropes of the same diameter.

Fibre ropes are made from following materials
1. Manila
2. Sisal
3. Hemp
4. Coir and Cotton
5. Jute
Details of above rope material will be discussed my next post
For more details about Steel Wire Rope click Rope 

Best Quote: A Good Leader Accepts the responsibility when things go wrong. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Unit Weight of Rectangle Hollow section- ASTM A 500

Dear Readers,

This is continuation with my earlier posts of hollow sections. You may familiar with square hollow and rectangle hollow sections. For hollow sections so many standards are available in world wide like.  Self would like to share the unit weight of Rectangle Hollow Section of ASTM A 500 Grade A & B, and it is an American Standard.

The sizes available are 38 X 19-Thickness 1 mm to 300 X 200-Thickness 12 mm. Unit Weight of RHS is below.Click on picture to enlarge the table.

Hope the table will be useful for all engineers.

For More details about Hollow Section Click HSS
For More unit weight of RHS- Indian Standard Click IS:4923
For Unit Weight of Square Hollow Section of ASTM A500 Click SHS

Best Quote: If you are right then there is no need to get angry, And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry. Have a Nice Day.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Land Units Convertion

Dear Readers, 
Different units are used to measure a land for industrial purpose or commercial purpose. Units are vary from location to location.  Some of the commonly used units are Square meter, Square yard, square feet, ground and acre etc.,  It is a two dimensional units (length and width) and it will be used to measure the area of the land. Engineer diary happy to bring all conversion in one table which will help to all engineers and common man. Table is given below.
For More Details about Cent to Acre click Cent
For More Details about unit weight of metals Click Metal

Best Quote:Good days give you happiness; Bad days give you experiences; Both are essential to life. Have a Nice Day
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