Dear Readers,
Hand rails are used in domestic and industrial applications. A handrail is a rail
that is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to provide stability or
support. Handrails are commonly used while ascending or
descending stairways and escalators and walk way platforms in order to prevent injurious falls. In General Handrails having following parts.
1. Vericale Post
2. Top Rail
3. Mid Rail
4. Toe Guard
Vertical Post: It is also called Hand rail Legs. It will have a equal distance, generally one meter spacing between the posts. Pipe or Angle will be used and will have a base plate. Base plate is anchored or fixed with floor
Top Rail: It is top side of hand rail, generally pipe will be used. It is a guide, person can hold and size will be one inch to 3inch
Mid Rail: It is fixed between Top rail and toe guard. It is used for protection as well as bracing member between two handrail legs. Mid rail may be one or more than one subject to the length of vertical post. Generally pipe or square bar is used. The size is equal or less than the top rail size.
Toe Guard: It is the bottom part of hand rail. It is used to protect the small material fallen from platform while walking. The safety point of view Toe guard is more important.
Precautions & Notes.
- Hand rails should be used for only safe access
- Keep in mind it is not a load bearing member
- Don't take any supports from the hand rail
- The maximum distance between any horizontal or vertical member should not exceed 20cm in one direction
- The completed hand rail structure / assembly is capable of withstanding a load of at least 90kg applied in any direction at any point on the rail.
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