A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, label & identification. In the Metric system unwieldy small and large numbers can be represented using words. ie rather than saying 1000 meters or 1000 grams you can say 1 kilometer (kilo can be abbreviated to k and meter to m giving 1 km) or 1 kilogram (gram can be abbreviated to g giving 1 kg).
We may aware kilo, mega, giga and tera or Thousand, Million, billion & Trillion but above this we may not using often. Above this name are peta, exa, zetta & Yotta, These are called Large Numbers. Similarly small numbers we are aware deci, centi, milli,micro & nano or Tenth, Hundredth, Thousandth, Millionth & Billionth but above this we may not using often. Above this name are pico, femto,atto,zepto & yocto. These are called small numbers
Above table shows large numbers & small numbers, it contains Name, Symbol, Description (Short scale & Long scale)