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Sunday, January 15, 2017

International Steel Standards

Dear Readers,

While preparing blog articles, self always try to co-ordinate the steel standards between the other steel standards. Unfortunately, there is no common global steel standard or classification system. Rather, there are a number of classification and designation systems accepted and used worldwide, which are developed and standardized either nationally and internationally.
Steel standards are systems for classifying, evaluating, and specifying the chemical, mechanical, and metallurgical properties of different types of steels and ferrous alloys that are used in the production of components, machinery, and constructions.
Steels can be classified by a large variety of criteria, such as:
1). Composition, for example carbon, low-alloy, or stainless steel.
2). Method of manufacturing, such as open hearth, basic oxygen process, or electric furnace methods.
3). Finishing method, such as hot rolling, cold rolling, and various surface finishing and platting techniques.
4). Product form, for example bar, wire, plate, sheet, strip, tubing or structural shape.
5). DE oxidation practice, such as killed, semi-killed, capped or rimmed steel.
6). Microstructure, such as ferritic, pearlite and martensitic.
7). Heat treatment, such as annealing, quenching and tempering.
Some of the more frequently used steel standard and classification systems include:
AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) steel standards, which are traditionally used in the US and abroad. While this standard is no longer maintained and has increasingly been replaced by SAE, ASTM and other U.S. standards, it is still widespread.
EN (Euro norm), which is a harmonized system of metal and steel standards of European countries. Although it is accepted and effectively used in all European countries, “obsolete” national systems, such as German-DIN, British-BS, French-AFNOR and Italian-UNI are commonly used and often found in many documents and specifications.
Japanese JIS steel standards, which are widely used in Asia and Pacific regions. JIS steel specifications have also often been used as a base for other national systems, such as Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese standards.
Steel standards for BRIC Countries Brazilian-NBR, Russian-GOST, Indian-IS, and Chinese-GB and YB are followed.
For Example, Different standards used for General structural steel in construction works are as follows.
Indian Standard = IS: 2062
Chinese Standard = GB/T 700-2006
Japanese Standard = JIS G3101-2004
European Standard = EN 10025-2004
American Standard = ASTM A36-05.
Similarly, Different steel standards are used for Cold forming steel, high strength low alloy structural steel, Steel for boiler and other pressure vessels and Steel for ship building.
Note : In addition to the many standards described above, many steel manufacturers and suppliers have developed their own proprietary, commercial names for designating steels. Some of these designations have, after years and decades of use, become widely used within the industrial community and are often referred to as “common“ names or “trade” names, without actually referring to the particular supplier. In most cases, these “common” names are not standardized and properties may vary substantially; their application in official technical documents should therefore be avoided.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Wishes - 2017

Dear Readers,

A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year .
Crane & Crane Man (Engineer Diary)
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