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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Unit Weight of MS Serrated Flat

Dear Readers,

MS Serrated Flats are used for manufacturing of Industrial Gratings. Walkway grating is a steel surface used for Industrial Flooring. It is manufactured from Serrated flat steel bars and round bars welded or combined lengthwise and crosswise. 

Representation of MS Serrated flats is done by the Width (W) & the Thickness (T) of the Flat. For Example : When we say 25 X 5 Flat, it means Width = 25 mm & Thickness = 5 mm. Unit weight of MS Serrated flats are below in table

For More Details about Flat Click Here
For More Details about Unit Weight of MS Flat Click Here 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Synthetic Fibers

The most commonly used synthetic round slings are made of nylon- or polyester-type yarns. It has a tensile strength nearly three times that of Manila.

The advantage of using nylon rope is that it is waterproof and has the ability to stretch, absorb shocks, and resume normal length. It also resists abrasion, rot, decay, and fungus growth.

Nylon was first made in 1935. It was intended to be a substitute for silk and was used in place of silk in parachutes in 1941, when the USA entered World War II. Synthetic round slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. Synthetic fibres are much stronger, and hence more durable than natural fibres.

Time- Lightweight fiber slings offer significant reductions in rigging time and manpower. They are 1/7th the weight of steel wire rope or more. In heavy lift projects, installation crews also receive savings in transportation and storage costs.

HSE benefits - Lightweight rope and round slings offer superior flexibility which translates into fewer rigging injuries. They are also soft of hand causing little damage to rigger or expensive payloads.

Longer service life - Modern high strength synthetic fibers are remarkably durable and will not rust, corrode or fish-hook. They are not affected by fresh or salt water. Wear points can be protected from abrasion, cutting and heat damage. They are designed for multiple lift use and are easy to inspect.

For More Details about Fibre Rope Click Here
For More Details about Manila Rope Click Here
For More Details about Natural Fibre Rope Click Here

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Unit Weight of Square Steel Bar

Dear Readers,

Square steel bars are used in construction industry for making gratings and barricading works. Job finishing will be good since it is available as a readymade. Alternatively we can cut from plates to make square bar. However it is not economical and wastage will be more, as well as finishing will not meet the requirement. Hence readymade square bar is advisable. It is measured by length in meters and weight is mentioned Kg per Meter. Unit Weight of Square Steel Bar is below.
For More Details about unit weight of Round Steel Bar click Here
Best Quote :Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Engineer Day - 2018

Dear Readers,
Engineer Diary convey the best wishes to you and your friends "Wish you a Happy Engineers Day". 
It may very odd to share a article which may demoralise the engineers, However it is very true and essential to understand the reality. It is very worth to share this article " Why are engineers in India paid a low salary?" by Mr. Alok Kumar. He is answered by Alok Kumar in Quora Forum. He works at Ministry of Home Affairs, India. Take some time to read. It is worth.
Because they are oversupplied.
We have 2 lakhs CAs, 10 lakhs doctors. Engineers! They are in crore.
Take the case of doctors. US has 25 lakh doctors for just about 32 crore population. India has 10 lakh doctors for 130 crore population. Obviously, doctors are scarce in India. They get better salaries.
Compare this with engineers. US produces around 1 lakh engineers per year for a $ 16 Trillion economy. India produces 15 lakhs engineers for a $ 2 Trillion economy.
If there are so many engineers, there must be enough demand to pull them in. But it is not there. The earlier mass recruiting sector was manufacturing. It used to recruit from the core branches like civil, electrical and mechanical. But, manufacturing is stagnant at just 17% of the GDP. So the core branch placements have become difficult.
The new mass recruiter is the IT sector. It grew from scratch to almost 5% of the GDP in 25 years. Employed millions of engineers.
Now, IT is also saturating.
If you look at the sectoral composition of Indian economy, most of the sector do not need engineers. Tourism is 10% of the GDP, does not require engineers. Financial sector, trade, hotels and restaurants do not require engineers. Requirement in health, education, agriculture is almost negligible.
More than 50% of the GDP has no role for engineers. Still most of us are becoming engineers. The current situation is not sustainable.
So the demand is less while the supply is high. Over and above this, skill level of an average engineer is poor. I say its non-existent. Leave the top 100–200 colleges. And you will find that a fresh engineer has no idea of what s/he has studies. Ask a fresh mechanical engineer, can s/he design a simple frame?
Today the situation is that most engineers are working in a field that has no connection to what they have studied in the college. This is a waste of resources.
Engineering degree does not come cheap. It costs about 10 lakhs. For poor parents, its a huge burden. When their son is not able to secure a job, they are devastated.
For the nation, you can calculate the loss. Leave around 1 lakh engineers that NASSCOM says are employable. The rest 14 lakhs have each wasted 10 lakhs of fees. That totals to around $ 20 Billion. Almost equal to the Government’s spending on healthcare. Over this, there is loss of human capital.
We need to replan the whole engineering education system. Cut down on the number of colleges and improve the quality in the rest.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Drawing Symbol for Valves and Joints

Dear Readers,
In Construction, Pipes are used for transmitting a substance from one place to another place or one process to other process. This substance may solid material, water, gas or steam. Valves are used in between pipes for govern or regulate the process.
Different type of valves are available. Subject to the design and application various valves can be used. Some of the valves are Gate valve, Globe valve, Ball valve, Check valve and many more. These valve can be fixed / installed with pipes through joints. These joints may be welding, threading or bolting through flanges. Various drawing symbols are used to mention these valves as well as joints. Below picture shows the drawing symbol for Valves and Joints
Above details are indicative, However these symbols may change depending on the manufacturer and type of system.

For More Details about Welding Symbol Click Here

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and abilities, it describes an internal state made up of what we think and feel about ourselves. 
Above picture is more powerful than Words.
There is no substitute for Hard Work.

What would improve our confidence?
  • Learn to be more assertive and not feel guilty about saying no

  • Give yourself at least equal priority as those you love

  • Examine why you feel bad about yourself and what you can do to change this

  • Monitor your self talk and question your negative statements about yourself

  • Stop focusing on yourself too much and try to help others

  • Make time for yourself and treat yourself often

  • Don't be afraid to ask others for what you want

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Selection of Welding Electrode

Dear Readers,

We often encountered a problem at site is selection of welding electrodes with respect to parent material or Grade of material. These are grades are characterized by improved weldability.

Following guidelines are suggested for achieving satisfactory weld joint properties:Use of low hydrogen basic coated electrode with matching strength.

Welding electrodes of such specification are suitable for welding of high strength low alloy steels, fine grained steels, quenched & tempered steels having UTS upto 600 MPa. The welding type, electrodes etc for different grades are given below:
For More Details about AWS Welding Classification Click Here
For More Details about Welding Symbol Click Here
For More Details about Welding related Articles Click Here 

Sunday, June 3, 2018


When a plant, animal or insect dies it breaks into tiny pieces and eventually, these small pieces become part of the soil. This process is known as decomposition.
It is a process to break down (organic matter) or to be broken down physically and chemically by bacterial or fungal action. The process is a part of the nutrient cycle and is essential for recycling the finite matter that occupies physical space in the biosphere.
The substance that should be disposed or the waste that we produce can be separated into two categories: Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable. Biodegradable is easy to decompose but non-biodegradable is a lot more difficult.
Organisms that do this are known as decomposers. The decomposers are bacteria, fungi, and some worms which break down dead plants, animals, and insects. A dead body is actually part of its own ecosystem. Decomposition starts minutes after the death of a living organism, with a process named autolysis, or self-digestion.
How long does it take to decompose? Different sources have different information on actual time various waste items take in landfills to decompose.

Paper Towel - 2-4 weeks 
Banana Peel - 3-4 weeks 
Paper Bag - 1 month 
Newspaper - 1.5 months
Apple Core - 2 months 
Cardboard - 2 months 
Cotton Glove - 3 months
Orange peels - 6 months
Plywood - 1-3 years 
Wool Sock - 1-5 years
Milk Cartons - 5 years
Cigarette Butts - 10-12 years
Leather shoes - 25-40 years 
Tinned Steel Can - 50 years 
Foamed Plastic Cups - 50 years
Rubber-Boot Sole - 50-80 years
Plastic containers - 50-80 years
Aluminium Can - 200-500 years
Plastic Bottles - 450 years 
Disposable Diapers - 550 years
Monofilament Fishing Line - 600 years
Plastic Bags - 200-1000 years

Plastic products are very common in our modern life Plastic waste is one of many types of wastes that take too long to decompose. Normally, plastic items can take up to 1000 years to decompose in landfills. But plastic bags we use in our everyday life take 10-1000 years to decompose, while plastic bottles can take 450 years or more.
The increasing waste volume is a major concern for mankind. The best way to deal with this problem is avoiding products that generate waste materials that take more than a year to decompose in landfills through a proactive design for recycling.
We request you, please share this piece of information in your network as much as you can. Please Support a Green Environment.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Unit Weight of Steel Flat

Dear Readers,
Steel is important role in construction Industry. Flats are used in construction industry for very economic and good finish. Instead of cutting required size from plates and sheets we can use ready made flats. Generally the width to thickness ratio of flat rolled products is fairly large.

The flat carbon steel is a hot or cold rolled strip product also known as a plate product. Flats are actually thin strips of mild steel having the thickness of the strip commonly varying between 12 mm to 150 mm and thickness varies from 3 mm to 32 mm. Flats are designated by width and thickness, Example Flat 100 X 6 means flat 100 mm width and thickness is 6 mm.

Various grades and sizes of materials can be selected to meet diversified requirements for automobiles, appliances, construction etc., Unit weight of flat steel is below. All dimensions are in mm and weight is Kg/Mtr
For More Details about Flat Click Here

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Labour Welfare Fund

Dear Readers,
Wish You a Happy May Day - 2018
Labour welfare fund is a statutory contribution managed by individual state authorities. Every State has made its own Act & Rules. Contribution period & its amount may differ from State to State. You should go through your state Labour Welfare Fund Act & Rules for having knowledge of the definition of employee, contribution period & the rate of contribution to be deducted, method of deposit of amount, format for sending the detail of contribution if any & to whom & when it is to be submitted.

In order to provide social security to workers, the government has introduced the Labour Welfare Fund Act. This act has been implemented only in 15 states out of 34 states including union territories.

LWF implemented States are Andhra Pradesh , Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi ,Goa ,Gujarat ,Haryana ,Karnataka ,Kerala ,Madhya Pradesh ,Maharashtra ,Odisha ,Punjab, Tamil Nadu ,Telangana and West Bengal

LWF is not Applicable States are Andaman and Nicobar Islands , Arunachal Pradesh ,Assam , Bihar, Dadra and Nagar Haveli ,Daman and Diu ,Himachal Pradesh ,Jammu and Kashmir ,Jharkhand ,Manipur ,Meghalaya ,Mizoram ,Nagaland ,Pondicherry ,Rajasthan ,Sikkim ,Tripura ,Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

The Labour Welfare Fund Act is not applicable to all category of employees working in the establishment. It depends upon the wages earned and designation of the employee. The applicability of the Act based on the number of employees may differ depending upon state specific Act.
The contribution in the Labour Welfare Fund may be made annually, half yearly or monthly. The frequency may differ depending upon the state specific Act. Further, if the frequency is half yearly the period of deduction shall be divided into two consecutive periods as per the date mentioned in the state specific Act. The employer needs to make the deduction from the salary of the employee and submit the same to the Labour Welfare Fund board in the prescribed form before the due date.

The Fund will be utilised for welfare of workers/Labour in following manner (It may vary state to state)
1). Community and social education centres including reading rooms and libraries;
2). Educational facilities for the children of the workers.( Educational scholarship, Educational incentives  & Book allowance)
3). Transport facilities to the workers for commuting to work.
4). Marriage assistance.
5). Excursions, tours and holiday homes;
6). Medical facilities for both private and public-sector employers to facilitate medical facilities for their workers and their families.
7). Provide special treatment to the workers including assistance for artificial limbs, wheel chairs etc.
8). Home industries and subsidiary occupations for women and unemployed persons.
9). Recreational facilities in form of music, dance, drama, games, sports, paintings, etc. are usually offered to the employees to build a wholesome working environment.
10). Housing facilities under this scheme offer loans to industrial workers for constructing houses at concessional rates.
11). Funeral expenses
In practical most of these facilities are not aware to labour or not reached to concern.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Save Water

We should start saving the water we have and use the water we have, economically. Here are a few ideas on how to conserve water..
1. Almost all of us have reverse osmosis (RO) system installed at home for water for drinking and cooking. I am sure everyone know that it let's out almost one litre water to produce one litre drinking water. So keep a bucket to the outlet and store this water. This can very well be used for cleaning the floor, for toilet etc. What they normally say is, the bacteria which is there in this water will die in half an hour time when get exposed to normal air.
2. Similarly a bucket can be placed in the AC outlet. Everyday morning this water can be used for the plants in your flat, to clean your cars or even be drained into the rainwater harvesting system so that the ground water can get charged. In fact these outlets can be connected on a regular basis to get drained there.
3. Stop using running water for cleaning utensils and use water from bucket. By this practice lot of water can be saved.
4. Similarly use shower for bathing. This also would reduces water consumption.
5. Use your washing machine when you have a full load because washing machines are designed in such a way that it uses almost the same amount of water for washing low load to very high load.
6. If your washing machine's outlet is not connected to the closed drain. That is if the machine's outlet is let out in the bathroom, then the soap water which comes out of the machine can very well be used to soak your utensils which you have used for cooking.
7. Some of us face a problem with dust in the water. For example the bore well water may turn slightly muddy when the water bed goes down or because of the accumulated dirt in the overhead tant, the water may come with dust. Please don't waste this watter. Keep a block of Alam (padigaram in tamil) in the bathroom. Just dip this in the bucket that has the muddy water and allow it to dissolve by rotating your hand. A few rotations will do. After about 10-15 minutes you will see the dust and muddy substances settled in the bottom and crystal clear water in the top ! This Alam would be available in all Naatu marundhu shops.
These are some of the ideas.
If you come across any good ideas to save water please do share. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.
Water saved is water produced.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Unit Weight of Hexagonal Steel Bar

Dear Readers
In geometry, any polygon with six sides and six angles and six vertices is called as Hexagon. A Hexagon having all sides of equal length and equal angles is called regular Hexagon. Each interior angle of any regular Hexagon is equal. It is used in industrial for various purpose. 

It is used for popularly for making nuts. The size is always measured Across the flat. It is denoted as size (A/F). Refer Picture.

Please refer Unit weigt of Hexoganal steel bar is below chart. All weights are Kg per Meter. Sizes will be measured as per the above picture.

For Unit Weight of Round Steel Bar Click Here
Best Quote :  Always Welcome Your Problems,
Because Problems Gives You Dual Advice,Firstly, You Can Know How To Solve Them, Secondly, You Learn How To Avoid Them In Future.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Formula of Calculations Weight (SS Material)

Calculation of S.S.Sheets, Circle, Pipes, Round Bar & Flat Bar

Weight of  S.S. Sheets & Plates :

Length ( Mtrs ) X  Width ( Mtrs ) X  Thick ( MM ) X 8 = Wt. Per PC

Weight  of   S.S. Circle

Dia ( mm ) X  Dia (mm ) X  Thick ( mm ) / 160 = Gms. Per PC

Weight of  S.S. Pipe

O.D. ( mm ) – W Thick ( mm ) X  W.Thick ( mm ) X 0.0248   = Wt. Per Meter

Weight of  S.S. Round Bar.

Dia ( mm ) X  Dia (mm ) X 0.00623  = Wt. Per. Meter

Weight of  S.S. Square Bar

Dia ( mm ) X  Dia ( mm ) X 0.00788 = Wt. Per. Meter

Weight of  S.S. Hexagonal Bar

Dia ( mm )     X  Dia ( mm ) X 0.00680    =  Wt. Per.Meter

Weight of  S.S. Flate Bar

Width  (mm ) X  Thick ( mm ) X 0.00798 = Wt.Per Meter.

For More Details about the weight calculation click Here
For More Details about the density of Iron click Here

Friday, March 2, 2018

Eighth Blogoversary

Dear Readers,

We are glad to inform you that this is an Eighth Blogoversary for Engineer Diary. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has stayed with us along our incredible journey for the past eight years.Once again we repeat that it has been our dream to share the technical knowledge and data’s with others, especially for engineers, technicians and others who are involved and fresh in construction industry.
We know that we are moving too slow regarding the quantity of posts (Total 160 posts blogged in past eight years and 15 posts during last year) This is due to more consciousness about the technical data. We realised how important it has become to us as well as to you, and we promise you that we will keep it up with quality information.
Dear Readers,

Click here to get more
Happy 8th Blogoversary for Engineer Diary
Crane & Crane Man
Provided by MasterGreetings.com

From this year on wards, we would like to move the diversity from core technical and will share additional knowledge like Labour law, ESI, HR, and Finance. Hope this year we will increase our posts.
We are very grateful to everyone who has supported this blog with love, wonderful comments, likes and introducing this blog to other people, etc. Once again, we convey our thanks to our readers who have offered support here along the way.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Colour Code for Helmet

Color code for Helmet is used to identify about the person at industrial area.  Each and every company has their own standards. However an industrial practice following codes are used

White :- For Engineers, Supervisor, Managers, Foreman, Supernatant.

Green :- Safety Officers and Safety Stewards

Red :- Fire Fighters

Yellow :- Workmen, Technicians & Earth Moving Operators

Blue :- Electricians, Carpenters & Other Technical Operators
Gray :- Visitors

Brown :- Welders and Workers with high heat application

For Construction Industry also follow the same with some minor changes.

White & Green no changes

Red :- Fire fighters & Electrician

Yellow :- Workmen all category (Skilled, Semi Skilled & In Skilled)

Blue :- For Technicians like Carpenter & Technical Assistants

Generally White Colour used for Visitors

For More details about Safety Helmet Click Here

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Unit Weight of Round Steel Bar

Dear Readers,

MS Round Bars are used by forging industries, bright bar industries, auto-ancillaries, foundation and anchor bolts, pins, rollers, bushes, and many more engineering industries. Unit weight of MS Round Steel bar is below. 

Above table is calculated for 0.7850 kg/cm per meter. IS code for round steel bar IS: 1732-1989. Prefix ISRO to be added before the diameter to identify the round bar. Example 50mm round bar is to be written as "ISRO 50"

For More Details about Classification of Hot Rolled Steel Click Here
For More Details about European Steel Section Click Here
Best Quote :Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year Wishes - 2018

Dear Readers,

A fresh new year is once again upon us. It’s the time to be thankful for the blessings of the past year and to take stock of all our achievements. At the same time, New Year 2018 is a brand new year to start afresh, to start strong, and yet another chance to do everything we want to do this year.

Dear Readers,

Click here to get more
Happy New Year! May the New Year bring to you warmth of love, and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination.
Crane (Engineer Diary)
Provided by MasterGreetings.com
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