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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Time & Change Management

Dear Readers,

When you have promoted from your current position, your income, facilities and responsibilities will raise. Simultaneously, your working team size will also grow. You will connect with more people than ever before.

As all these grow, the essential ingredient, time does not grow. It is used to be 24 hours and it's the same now.

So, it creates a lot of pressure. A compulsion develops to produce maximum results in a short period of time and the nature of work is also changing.

As we move up the ladder of an organization, our work habits change and our work ethic also changes. However, there is still involvement in that old activities, what we had so far. It is little difficult to break free from that old assignments/works immediately. Even if someone has been hired/assigned to deal with the old work. We like to interrupt again because of these habits.

Thus wastes his time and ours as well. Except ourselves, there is no one else to do the work for the new responsibility. Hence, note that another job or responsibility can be taken up only after leaving the old job or responsibility.

Let us See the scenario in any industry.

Initially a worker duty is to produce goods. As he performed well, respecting his skill and hard work, the company promotes him and appoints him as a supervisor.

With the new position comes along with new responsibilities, like training others and supervising them, he needs to spend more time on these. Apart from this, he may require some time for planning activities of production (Works), strengthening the relationships with other departments, etc.

When the next promotion makes him as a manager, the responsibilities of this position require a different kind of performance from him. Now he spends more time on planning, overseeing coordinated operations, preparing his subordinates to handle more responsibilities. The previous supervisory function and direct involvement in production should be reduced (avoided).

The work is still different when the next management level is reached like strengthening external contacts and their relations. Duties such as analyse the market, Prepare and formulate appropriate growth strategies and preparing for the company's next phase of growth will become the main task.

If you want to spend more time on exclusive activities in the respective levels, it can only be done if other duties are avoided.

There is no change in the fact that there are 24 hours in a day. However, many people do not feel like leaving other duties aside.

He wants everyone to think that he is important, that’s why he doesn't want to tell anyone that he can't.

All this combined with the desire to make everyone happy reduces the amount of time available for specific tasks.

This means that time management is really self-management. By managing our activities, we can manage time.

Whether we like it or not, this moment won't stop. We have a choice to change with something, with what to change, but not to change. That is why we should be careful.

Some people exchange their time with the comfort of sleeping. Still others substitute it for entertainment, recreation and amusement. Some others alternate with noble actions and actions that result in great accomplishments.

Hence, time Management and changes are more important in professional life.

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Abbreviations (34) ABW (1) AC (2) Acre (2) acronyms (9) Admixture (3) Alloy Steel (1) Analysis (2) ANSI (1) Anti friction bearing (2) Apothecaries Mass (1) Arc welding (2) Avoirdupois Mass (1) AWG (4) AWS (4) BCR 295 (2) Beam (22) Bearings (5) Benefits (1) Blasting & Painting (8) Blogoversary (5) Bolt (8) CAR A/C (1) Cartoon (2) Cement (1) Cent (2) CHANNEL (8) Chequered Plate (1) Chinese (4) Civil (7) Classification (3) Cleaning (4) Cold Rolled Steel (2) Colour Code (1) Column Section (1) Composite Materials (3) Computer (1) Concrete (4) Construction Industry (18) Conversion Table (4) Cooking (1) Costing (1) Crane Rail (2) Cylinders (1) Density (1) DFT (2) Domestic (5) Drill bit (1) Drill gauge (1) Drilling (1) Dry Ice (1) EHS (1) Electrical (1) Electrode (1) Ellipcon Steel (1) Elliptical Hollow Section (1) EN 10083-3 (1) EN 10219 (1) Engineer Day (7) Engineering Miracle (2) Environment (1) Equipment (2) ESI (1) Estimation (1) European Steel (3) Factory Act (1) fasteners (3) Fibre Rope (4) Fire (1) FLAT (3) floating crane (1) Flood (1) Foil (1) Formula (1) FRP (3) GAUGE (9) General (34) Greetings (9) H-beam (4) Handrail (1) Heavy Weight Beam (1) HeliArc (1) Helmet (2) HEXAGOAN (2) Hollow Rectangle (3) Hollow Square (5) Hollow Steel (10) Hot rolled Steel (30) HR & IR (2) HSFG (2) HSS (9) HT (1) HT BOLT (1) I-Beam (4) Information (9) Informations (5) Introduce (4) IP (1) IPE (3) IS 1173 (5) IS 1363 (2) IS 1786 (1) IS 3443 (2) IS 4923 (2) IS 808 (15) IS:1732 (1) ISA (2) ISCR (1) ISHB (3) ISJB (4) ISJC (2) ISLB (3) ISLC (2) ISMB (4) ISMC (2) ISMCP (1) ISNT (2) ISSC (2) ISWB (3) JIS G3466 (1) Joints (2) Junior Beam (2) Junior Channel (3) Labour Law (7) Labour Welfare (4) Lamination (2) Land Measurement (2) Light Beam (2) Light Channel (3) LPG Cylinder (1) Man Day (2) Man Hour (1) Man Month (1) Management (1) Mass (3) Measurement (3) mechanical (1) Metals (7) Mile Stone (2) Music Wire (4) MWG (6) Non-Metal (3) Numbers (3) OCTOGAN (1) Oil (1) Painting (6) Parallel Flange Channel (2) PFC (2) PIPE (5) Piping (4) Planning (6) Plastics (2) Plates (1) Pole (1) PPE (1) Precautions (4) Protection (1) Rain (1) Rebar (1) Reconciliation (2) Reinforcement Rod (1) Reinforcemnt Steel (1) Reo (1) Rigging (9) River on River (1) Rope (7) ROUND (2) RSJ (1) Safety (14) Scale (1) Self Explanatory (5) SEP (5) Serrated Flat (1) Sheet (3) Short cut key (1) Sling (1) Slit Tee (1) Specific Gravity (4) Spoon (1) SQUARE (2) SSPC (1) Steel (21) Steel Beam (7) Steel Section (6) Steel Section Type (5) Stick welding (1) Structural Steel (58) Surface Preparation (8) SWG (5) SWL (1) Technical (10) Tee Section (5) Thanks (7) TIG (1) TIG Welding (1) Tips (2) Tools & Tackles (2) Torque (6) Troy Mass (1) TUBE (2) Turnbuckle (1) UB (2) UC (2) Unit of Mass (1) UNIT WEIGHT (58) Universal Beam (1) universal Column (2) Useful Tips (3) Valve (1) Water (4) Weather (3) Weight (14) Welding (15) Wide Flange Beam (2) Wind (7) Wind Speed (4) Wire Rope (3) Wishes (20) WWD (1)

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