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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Properties of ISJC

Dear Readers,

This is continuation with my earlier post unit weight of ISJC, self would like to post the sectional properties of ISJC.

Properties of beams are having two parts. One part is Physical dimensions and another part is sectional properties of Beam. Basically dimensional part contains depth and width of section, Thickness of Web and Flange and Root Radius. Where as sectional properties contains Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration and Section Modulus. These are useful for design engineers.
Click on Picture to enlarge

For More Details about Sectional Properties Click Sectional
For More Details about  Steel Sections Click Steel
For More Details about Classification of Hot Rolled Steel Click IS 808

Best Quote: "If You manage to smile at any situation, you are the winner of highest number of hearts in this world". Have a Nice Day

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wind Force-Beaufort Scale

Dear Readers,
This is continuation with my earlier post of Wind speed and Wind Direction. Below is a wind chart, created by Admiral Beaufort. Beaufort arranged the numbers 0 to 12 to indicate the strength of the wind from calm (force 0) to hurricane (force 12).

Click on Picture to enlarge 

The Beaufort scale, which is used in Met Office marine forecasts, is an empirical measure for describing wind intensity based on observed sea conditions.

For More Details about Wind Speed Click Wind
For More Details about Wind Direction Click Direction
Best Quote: "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground". Have a Nice Day

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Deposition of Welding Electrode

Dear Readers,

During Fabrication and Erection works we used welding electrodes for welding process. This article let us discuss about the weld metal deposition calculation.

Welding Electrodes available in markets are 2.5 mm, 3.15 mm, 4 mm & 5 mm with a length of 350 mm or 450 mm. The size mentioned 2.5 / 3.15 / 4 & 5 mm are only core material i.e excluding coating material. The length mentioned is full length including stub.
For calculation of welding deposition per rod we should know the effective length of Electrode usage. Note that Electrode 100% can not be consumed due to space between welding holder with work piece. Generally 75-100 mm of electrode will not be used depends upon the nature of work. Unused welding electrode including stub length. Industrial practice we used to call it is cut bits. It is shown in below picture.
For calculation purpose of welding deposition per rod we should know the effective length of welding electrode usage.

Effective Length = Length of Electrode - (Stub length + Unused electrode)

Following table shows the welding electrode deposition per rod in grams and number of rod required per kg weld deposition
Above table is calculated based on formula of cylindrical (Volume of Cylinder = Pi X r X r X h) and cut bit is 75 mm. Where "r" is radius of electrode and "h" is length of rod considered as a height

Percentage of efficiency will vary based on type of electrode. For CS Electrode is 100%, If it is Low Hydrogen AS electrode is 108% and If it is  Low Hydrogen CS electrode is 115%. This is due to flux coating material.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dimensions of Music Wire Guage Part-4

Dear Readers,

This post is a continuation with my earlier posts of gauges. Now you may familiar with AWG, SWG and MWG. Music Wire is characteristically much thinner than non-music wire of same gauge. So for dimensions of American Screw & Wire Co. Wright Wire Co., Roebling or Trenton Iron Works.and Felten & Guill-eaume ,English Music Wire Gauge and Poehl-mann Music Wire, were discussed. Now let us see the dimension of Allhoff & Muller (Music Wire) & W. N.Brunton (Music Wire)

Table is below. Click on Picture to enlarge

Note that 4/0 (pronounced " four aught) is an abbreviation for 0000, 2/00 for 00 and so on. Dimensions of Other Music Wire gauge will be followed my next post

For More Details about Standard Wire Gauge click SWG
For More Details about American Wire Gauge click AWG
For More Details about Music Wire Gauge click MWG
Best Quote: Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. Have a Nice Day

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Engineers Day-2015

Engineer Diary Blog is bringing to you a very Happy and Memorable Engineers day Wishes.

Engineers day is the most prestigious day for every engineer. September 15th will be celebrated as the Engineers day in India. Reason behind this is the birthday of great civil engineer Mokshagundam visweswarayya who gave enormous services to the people as well as the government.

Dear Readers

Click here to get more
Wish You a Happy Engineers Day
Crane & Crane Man
Provided by MasterGreetings.com

Centuries ago people who sacrificed their
sleep, food, laughter & other joys of life
were called “SAINTS”
Now they are called "ENGINEERS"
Happy Engineers Day!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)

Dear Readers,

This is continuation of my earlier post of Plastics

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is clear, tough, and shatterproof. It provides a barrier to oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide and is identified with the number 1. 

PET's ability to contain carbon dioxide (carbonation) makes it ideal for use in carbonated soft drink bottles. Take a look at the bottom of your soft drink bottle and you will most likely find a number 1 there. PET is also used to make bottles for water, juice, sports drinks, beer, mouthwash and salad dressing. You can also find it on your food jars for peanut butter, jam, jelly, and pickles as well as in microwavable food trays.

PET is globally recognized as a safe, recyclable packaging material. Numerous tests have created a broad scientific consensus that PET is non-toxic and is a safe material for the storage of food and beverages. It is intended for single use applications; repeated use increases the risk of leaching and bacterial growth. PET plastic is difficult to decontaminate, and proper cleaning requires harmful chemicals. Polyethylene terephthalates may leach carcinogens.

PET plastic is recyclable and about 25% are recycled. The plastic is crushed and then shredded into small flakes which are then reprocessed to make new PET bottles, or spun into polyester fiber. This recycled fiber is used to make textiles such as fleece garments, carpets, stuffing for pillows and life jackets, and similar products.

Products made of #1 (PET) plastic should be recycled but not reused.

For More Details about Plastics Click  Here

Sunday, August 23, 2015


A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, label & identification. In the Metric system unwieldy small and large numbers can be represented using words. ie rather than saying 1000 meters or 1000 grams you can say 1 kilometer (kilo can be abbreviated to k and meter to m giving 1 km) or 1 kilogram (gram can be abbreviated to g giving 1 kg).

We may aware kilo, mega, giga and tera or Thousand, Million, billion & Trillion but above this we may not using often. Above this name are peta, exa, zetta & Yotta, These are called Large Numbers. Similarly small numbers we are aware deci, centi, milli,micro & nano or Tenth, Hundredth, Thousandth, Millionth & Billionth but above this we may not using often. Above this name are pico, femto,atto,zepto & yocto. These are called small numbers

Above table shows large numbers & small numbers, it contains Name, Symbol, Description (Short scale & Long scale)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Unit Weight of Rectangle Hollow Section of BCR 295

Dear Readers,

This is continuation with my earlier posts of hollow sections. You may familiar with square hollow and rectangle hollow sections.

Self would like to share the unit weight of square Hollow Section of BCR 295, and it is a Japan Standard. "BCR" is a registered trademark of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation. This is a cold roll forming rectangular steel tube. BCR 295 means Yield point or Proof Stress Value is 295N / Sq.mm or 60N / mm compared to the STKR400

The Sizes available are 175 X 125 to 600 X 300 mm, Thickness from 6 to 19mm. Unit Weight of RHS is below. Click on picture to enlarge the table.

For More Details about Hollow Section Click HSS
For More Details about Elliptical Hollow Section Click EHS

For More Unit Weight of Square Hollow section, refer my earlier posts

1) For Indian Standard Click IS 4923
2) For Japanese Standard Click JIS G 3466 & BCR 295
3) For American Standard Click ASTM 500
4) For European Standard Click EN 10219
For More Unit Weight of Rectangle Hollow section, refer my earlier posts
1) For Indian Standard Click IS
2) For American Standard Click ASTM
Best Quote :"Don't choose a dream which comes in sleep, choose a dream that wakes you from your sleep". Have a Nice Day

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Properties of ISHB

Dear Readers,

This is continuation with my earlier post unit weight of ISHB, self would like to post the sectional properties of ISHB. My earlier post, Unit weight of ISMB has been one of the popular posts. In the same way, I am expecting this post would be a next popular post and also helpful to all engineers.

Properties of beams are having two parts. One part is Physical dimensions and another part is sectional properties of Beam. Basically dimensional part contains depth and width of section, Thickness of Web and Flange and Root Radius. Where as sectional properties contains Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration and Section Modulus. These are useful for design engineers.

Click on Picture to enlarge

For More Details about Sectional Properties Click Sectional
For More Details about  Steel Sections Click Steel
For More Details about Classification of Hot Rolled Steel Click IS 808

Best Quote: "There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend". Have a Nice Day

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wind Direction

Dear Readers,
This is continuation with my earlier post “Wind Speeds”,. We may notice the direction during weather forecast in media.Now let us discuss about wind directions and the degrees. 

Wind direction is the directions from which the wind is blowing or the direction from which the air is moving. Wind Direction indicates the compass direction from which the wind is blowing. Wind direction is illustrating using degrees from true north (360o) to record direction.  The compass is divided into 360 degrees around the circle. The North position equals zero, and the degrees increase as you move around the compass clockwise until you reach 360 degrees back at the North position.

From the above picture on the compass below the letter N stands for North, S stands for South, E stands for East, and W stands for West. In order to be more specific, the letters NE are used for Northeast, SE for southeast, SW for Southwest and NW for Northwest. It is further divided NNE & ENE between first quarter. NNE stands for North Northeast and ENE stands for East Northeast. Please refer below table for abbreviation and the degrees.

For More Details about Wind Speed Click Wind

Best Quote: “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” Have a Nice Day  

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dimensions of Music Wire Gauge Part-3

Dear Readers,

This post is a continuation with my earlier posts of gauges. Now you may familiar with AWG, SWG and MWG. Music Wire is characteristically much thinner than non-music wire of same gauge. So for dimensions of American Screw & Wire Co. Music Wire, Wright Wire Co. Music Wire,Roebling or Trenton Iron Works.(Music Wire) and Felten & Guill-eaume music wires were discussed. Now let us see the dimension of English Music Wire Gauge and Poehl-mann Music Wire

Table is below. Click on Picture to enlarge

Note that 4/0 (pronounced " four aught) is an abbreviation for 0000, 2/00 for 00 and so on. Dimensions of Other Music Wire gauge will be followed my next post

For More Details about Standard Wire Gauge click SWG
For More Details about American Wire Gauge click AWG
For More Details about Music Wire Gauge click MWG
Best Quote: The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Have a Nice Day

Friday, May 1, 2015

Labour Law's of Construction Industry

Dear Readers,

Wish you a Happy May Day-2015

Without labour nothing is possible in construction industry. Engineer Diary is proud to discuss about the labour law of construction industry in India 
In construction industry, normally the works are executed by labors engaged by contractor(s) / Sub-Contractor(s). The principal employer, contractor(s) as well as the Sub Contractor(s)  , they  are having certain duties and responsibilities under the applicable labor laws to them and liable jointly . Following list of minimum required compliances to be made by principal employer as well as contractor(s) are followed by list of act .
Below a list of some Act applicable to Construction Industry:
  1. Workmen’s Compensation Act,1923 (now it is Employee Compensation Act)
  2. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
  3. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
  4. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  5. Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 ( in certain conditions)
  6. Employees’ Provident Fund Act, 1952
  7. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
  8. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
  9. Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
  10. The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
  11. Equal Remuneration Act. 1976.
  12. Inter-state Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979
  13. Inter-State Migrant Workers Act, 1979
  14. Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996
  15. Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996
  16. Child Labour Act, 1996.
By Principal Employer:
  1. Obtain Registration Certificate under Contract Labour Act and amend it time to time whenever there is a change; 
  2. Obtain Registration Certificate under BOCW Act for its own employees and renew/ amend it from time to time. Also Register Beneficiaries under BOCW Act; 
  3. Obtain Registration under Inter-state Migrant Labour Act, if applicable; 
  4. Maintain register of contractors;
  5. Maintain all the registers and records in respect of own employees (as listed above in list of registers and records to be maintained by Contractors);
  6. Maintain minimum rates of wages to own employees;
  7. Maintain minimum HRA at 5 % of Basic + DA;
  8. Make compliance of EPF, PT, MLW etc. in respect of own employees;
  9. Cover own employees sufficiently under Employees Compensation;
  10. Ensure that the contractors pay as per minimum rates of wages;
  11. Ensure that the contractors make proper compliance of EPF, PT, MLW etc.;
  12. Ensure that the contractors have Cover the employees sufficiently under Employees Compensation;
  13. Submit annual return under Contract Labour Act and also under BOCW Act;
  14. Maintain Health register and certificate of Medical Examinations etc.;
  15. Maintain Testing Certificates of lifting appliances and machines etc.;
  16. Ensure formation of Safety Committee and its functioning, appointment of Safety officer, Safety and Health written policy- its approval, Safety & Health audit etc.;
  17. Ensure that the employees at work wear safety shoes, helmets, safety belts etc. 
By contractor(s) / Sub Contractor (s):
  1. Obtain License under Contract Labour Act if employees are above 20 on any day and renew/ amend it from time to time;
  2. Obtain Registration Certificate under BOCW Act if employees are above 10 on any day and renew/ amend it from time to time. Also Register Beneficiaries under BOCW Act;
  3. Obtain license under Inter-state Migrant Workmen Act, if applicable
  4. Maintain the minimum rates of wages as applicable;
  5. Maintain min. HRA at 5 % of Basic + DA;
  6. Make the compliance of EPF&MP Act;
  7. Make the compliance of Profession Tax;
  8. Make the compliance of MLW Fund;
  9. Cover the employees sufficiently under Employees Compensation.
  10. Maintain muster roll, wage register, other registers, records, notices, forms etc. as required under various applicable Acts, abstracts of various applicable Acts.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Natural Fibre Rope

This tall plant is cultivated in many parts of the world and provides useful fibers for making rope and cloth.

Hemp was used extensively before the introduction of Manila, but its principal use today is in fittings, such as ratline, marline, and spun yarn. Since hemp absorbs much better than the hard fibers, these fittings are invariably tarred to make them more water resistant. Tarred hemp has about 80 percentage of the strength of un-tarred hemp. Of these tarred fittings, marline is the standard item of issue.

Coir and Cotton.
Coir rope is made from the fiber of coconut husks. It is a very elastic, rough rope about one-fourth the strength of hemp but light enough to float on water. Cotton makes a very smooth, white rope that withstands much bending and running. These two types of rope are not widely used in the military; however, cotton is used in some cases for very small lines.

The glossy fiber of either of two East Indian plants of the linden family used chiefly for sacking, burlap, and cheaper varieties of twine and rope.

For More Details about Steel Wire Rope Click Steel Rope
For More Details about Fibre Rope Click Fibre

Best Quote : The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Know your Safety Helmet

How does safety helmet protect our head when we fall from height or objects fall on our head?

Safety helmet is intended to protect our head from injuries, caused by falling objects, fall from height or hitting our head against any hard surface. We must know how helmet works to protect our head from above mentioned causes.

Helmet works on simple principles of physics. When an object falls on our head or our head hits on a hard surface, a large force is applied on our head in a very short time. In physics, this phenomena is known as Impulse.
Hence Impulse = Force x Time
Force = Impulse / Time
Pressure = Force / Area
As area increases, effect of pressure reduces. Lastly the chin strap and nape strap plays a crucial role to keep the helmet in position, while we fall from height or during fall of object from height on our head.
As you know , from the above formula, if time increases force will reduce and impact of the hit or fall will be reduced. The anti-concussion tapes (helmet refill) inside the helmet increases the time over which the impulse acts. 

Hence the impact of the hit/fall on our head will be reduced. At the same time the outer rigid shell of the helmet, spreads the force to a larger area instead of allowing the object to hit at a point on our head. Hence the pressure exerted by force is reduced.
Pressure = Force / Area

As area increases, effect of pressure reduces. Lastly the chin strap and nape strap plays a crucial role to keep the helmet in position, while we fall from height or during fall of object from height on our head.

Hence,All the people whose are working at construction sites are advised to wear safety helmet.

Best Quote: Don't Talk about it, Do it. Have a Nice Day

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bearing design characteristic

Dear Readers,

Basic design characteristic of bearings are as Follows.

1) Deep groove ball bearings (Grooves in both Inner & Outer Rings) :
It Carries
    Radial Load
    Axial Load
    Radial & Axial load simultaneous 

2) Self-Aligning ball bearings (Spherical bearings) :
It Carries
    Radial load
    Self aligning ball bearings have particularly low friction
   Self aligning ball bearings permit minor angular misalignment of the shaft relative to the housing

3).  Angular Contact Ball Bearing ( The load is carried over from one ring to the other at an angle) :
It Carries
    Radial Load
    Radial & Axial load simultaneous
    Suitable for high speeds

4) Cylindrical Roller Bearing :
It Carries
    Radial Load
    Suitable for Heavy Radial Loads and High Speeds

5) Spherical Roller Bearing (Can to some extent compensate misalignment between shaft & Housing) :

It Carries
    Radial Load
    Axial Load
    Radial & Axial load simultaneous
    Suitable for high speeds and high loads

6) Tapper Roller Bearing :
It Carries
    Radial Load
    Radial & Axial
    Axial Load Reverse

7) Needle Roller Bearing :
It Carries
    Radial Load

For More Details about Bearings Click BRG
For More Details about Bearing Designations Click BRG-Desg
For More Details about Bearing Identification Click BRG-IDTY
For More Details about Bearing Codes, Suffix & Prefix Click BRG-Code 

Best Quote: Never be afraid to take decision. Have a Nice Day 


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Unit Weight of Square Hollow BCR 295

Dear Readers,

This is continuation with my earlier posts of hollow sections. You may familiar with square hollow and rectangle hollow sections.

Self would like to share the unit weight of square Hollow Section of BCR 295, and it is a Japan Standard. "BCR" is a registered trademark of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation. This is a cold rolled forming rectangular steel tube. BCR 295 means Yield point or Proof Stress Value is 295 N / Sq.mm or 60 N / mm compared to the STKR400

The Sizes available are 150 X 150 to 550 X 550 mm, Thickness from 6 to 22 mm. Unit Weight of SHS is below. Click on picture to enlarge the table.

For More Details about Hollow Section Click HSS
For More Details about Elliptical Hollow Section Click EHS
For More Unit Weight of Square Hollow section, refer my earlier posts

1) For Indian Standard Click IS 4923
2) For Japanese Standard Click JIS G 3466
3) For American Standard Click ASTM 500
4) For European Standard Click EN 10219
For More Unit Weight of Rectangle Hollow section, refer my earlier posts
1) For Indian Standard Click IS
2) For American Standard Click ASTM

Best Quote : "Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest." Have a Nice Day.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Wish-2015

Dear Readers

Click here to get more
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
Wish You a Happy New Year-2015
Crane (Engineer Diary)
Provided by MasterGreetings.com
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